Saturday, September 17, 2016

Triangular-Shaped UFO Sighted at Tree Top Level

Triangular-Shaped UFO Sighted at Tree Top Level
A Bella Vista (Arkansas) couple witness a triangle-shaped UFO just 100 feet over the rooftops.

     An Arkansas witness at Bella Vista and his wife rushed to a bedroom window after hearing “jet-like” sounds and watched a triangle-shaped object just 100 feet over the rooftop, according to testimony in Case 79100 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was lying in bed about 10 p.m. on September 11, 2016, when the incident began.

By Roger Marsh

“I heard what sounded like an airplane about to crash or flying super low,” the witness stated.“We rushed to the bedroom window and saw a huge triangle-shaped aircraft flying about 100 feet above the house.”

The witness and his wife moved outside.

“We watched it flying slowly and still very low. It seemed to have vanished in the tree line, but then came back out like it was looking for something. We saw red, blue, and white lights on a huge black triangle-shaped craft. We stood in the driveway and watched it as it left our sight. Every animal in the neighborhood was going crazy and just like that, it was gone.”

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