The Department of Defense last week asked Congress to enact a new exemption from the Freedom of Information Act for military tactics, techniques and procedures, as well as rules of engagement, that are unclassified but considered sensitive. A similar request by DoD last year was not acted upon by Congress. | Steven Aftergood Secrecy News 3-15-16 |
DoD justified its current proposal as a military necessity, and as a matter of common sense:
“The effectiveness of United States military operations is dependent upon adversaries, or potential adversaries, not having advance knowledge of the tactics, techniques, and procedures that will be employed in such operations. If an adversary or potential adversary has knowledge of such information, the adversary will be better able to identify and exploit any weaknesses, and the defense of the homeland, success of the operation, and the lives of U.S. military forces will be seriously jeopardized.”
This year’s proposal was drafted as an amendment to the existing FOIA exemption for DoD critical infrastructure. [...]
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See Also:
House Poised to Pass FOIA Amendments
Justice Dept Updates its FOIA Regulations
UFO FOIA Flash! CIA Opts for Compliance over Resistance
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