Sunday, January 31, 2016

'CIA X-Files' and The Ongoing Mainstream Media Faux Pas

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'CIA X-Files' and The Ongoing Mainstream Media Faux Pas

By Alejandro Rojas

CIA highlights old UFO files prior to new X-Files episodes

     The CIA chose to take advantage of the fervor created by the new X-Files episodes by posting two UFO articles highlighting their best UFO cases, skeptical reports, a few UFO pictures and a report on “How To Investigate a Flying Saucer.” Although most media outlets are reporting that these files have been newly released, that is not the case. And, although the CIA says they released the files in 1978, they are not mentioning that they did not give them up easily. It actually took a legal battle.

The articles were posted on January 21, 2016, three days prior to the premiere of the new X-Files episodes and in the middle of the online frenzy of excitement that was taking place in anticipation of the new shows. It was a great move to bring attention to their website, because the media has ran with the story, even though most are misreporting it. [...]

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