Two separate cases of unusual-looking lights -- over cities on different continents -- were captured on video, prompting speculation that the objects were everything from alien life forms to popular Chinese lanterns.
The composite image above shows the aerial anomalies over Osaka, Japan, (left) and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, (right) within days of each other.
The first event was videotaped and posted to Facebook by a Wisconsin police officer near Milwaukee on July 25. Officer Gustavo Rojas said he and his partner saw the lights slowly maneuvering around the sky, forming strange patterns before they eventually vanished.
NOTE: The following video of the Rojas encounter contains strong language:
Days after the Wisconsin UFO video was posted, a second one arrived.
RT, the Russian television channel, published a story on July 29 about a low-quality video, showing 10 white, circular objects above Osaka.
It's unclear when the video, shown below, was taken. RT says the footage shows "mysterious round objects moving quickly in the sky, while following a dance-like pattern." . . .
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See Also:
UFO Orbs Filmed Over Osaka, Japan | VIDEO
Alien Craft Have Never Penetrated Japan's Airspace, Claims Defense Minister
UFO Captured On Video By Passenger on Small Plane | CHIBA, JAPAN
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