Gareth Smart, a part-time acting coach in Cache Creek, provided a big treat — and potential spoiler — to X-Files fans around the world on Wednesday when he shared photos of an alien crash site on Facebook.
While a Vancouver crew for the upcoming X-Files miniseries has been busy shooting street scenes involving actors David Duchovny (Fox Mulder) and Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully), another crew has apparently been shooting night scenes in Ashcroft, an hour west of Kamloops.
The set features a flying saucer embedded in the ground. Ashcroft, with its semi-desert terrain, may be standing in for Roswell, New Mexico . . ..
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See Also:
X-Files Star David Duchovny Absolutely Doesn't Believe In Aliens
Britain’s Very Own X-Files and Their Space Slime Mystery
Counselor To Obama: Biggest Failure – Not Disclosing UFO Files, He Tweets
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