Monday, May 25, 2015

Mysterious Orb Sighted at U.S. Space Walk Hall of Fame | VIDEO

Mysterious Orb Sighted at U.S. Space Walk Hall of Fame 5-12-15

By Justin Warmoth
Sighting on surveillance video gets visitors, staff talking

     TITUSVILLE, Fla. -

A mysterious sighting on surveillance video at a local attraction has staff and visitors wondering if the century-old building is haunted.

On two separate occasions in just the last weeks, an orb-shaped object has been spotted at the U.S. Space Walk Hall of Fame Museum on Pine Street in Titusville.

In both videos, the object quickly comes into the frame and within mere seconds, it disappears. . . .

1 comment :

  1. Kinda looks like a bug. Wonder if a light is near the camera .


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