Retired academic from the University of Chile photographed a static sphere over the volcano for one minute and forty-six seconds.Eduardo Hidalgo was a chair of the department of Kinesiology of the U. of Chile until he retired. He sold his consultancy and relocated to within 20 kilometers to the west of the volcano. At 03:00 yesterday, he woke up to relieve himself at the same time the eruption started. He ran to find a Canon camera that his son had brought him from the U.S. - "I put it on a tripod and started taking pictures that I showed the following day to a German photographer, who was intrigued by a strange dot of light," he explained.
At noon, he transferred the images to his computer and discovered an orange ball he considers to be a UFO, since unlike the material emerging from the crater, the object did not move in the sequence of eight photos taken between 3:04 to 3:05 and 46 seconds, according to the camera's timer.
"I calculate that it was some 1500 meters over the volcano. I believe it's a UFO as it remained motionless."
Meanwhile, ufologist Nicolas Maisterow said that spotting UFOs during natural disasters is a recurrent phenomenon, particularly in seismology and volcanology. "There are theories about volcanos being entrances to subterranean worlds inhabited by intraterrestrial or extraterrestrial beings," said the researcher, who recalled reports from people claiming to "imps" emerging from the ruins of the homes destroyed by the 1939 Chillán earthquake.
To paranormal researcher César Parra, "before any natural catastrophe or disaster, a series of events that border on the paranormal and the ufological can generally be seen."
* [Translation (c) 2015, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Liliana Núñez Orellana]
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