Monday, July 07, 2014

UFO Caught on Camera by Mars Curiosity Rover? | VIDEO

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UFO Caught on Camera by Mars Curiosity Rover 6-20-14

Lee Speigel By Lee Speigel
The Huffington Post

     If a picture is worth 1,000 words, how much are two pictures worth, especially if they show an odd-looking, allegedly descending light heading to the surface of Mars?

These are real pictures, taken by the Curiosity rover -- some reports say it took place on June 23, but according to information on the raw Jet Propulsion Laboratory images, it was June 20.

In the first JPL full resolution image, a bright light appears above some mountains (taken by the rover's Navcam Right camera). Thirty-one seconds later, the rover's Navcam Left camera snapped an image of the light seemingly closer to the Martian surface.

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