In a series of lectures entitled, “The Time and What Must Be Done,” with sub-themes encompassing everything from Edward Snowden to The Illuminati, Minister Louis Farrakhan presented his finale, The Shadow Government: Guidance to Pres. Obama & the Nation (Part 58 - see below) and pointedly asked President Obama to "Open Up Roswell and Area 51!"
He in part stated:
President Obama: Let’s open up Roswell! Summon the scientists from all over the world to America under your auspices, and you go with them—along with presidents Carter, Clinton, and with President Bush “41” and Bush “43,” and look at what Allah sent to you, and study it! . . .
. . . President Barack Obama: Call the scientists! Open up “Area 51” to the scientists of the world! Because you, America, are the leader that Allah (God) has raised; and made you powerful, that He might make Himself known through you! And if America calls the scientists of the Earth to such place, they will respond.
What will be the reason for the call? The reason is to show them a sign of The Presence of God; to right the wrongs of the Earth, and to heal it. If President Obama even attempts to do this, The Shadow Government will be in trouble; because they, too, will be forced to have to bow to this! The scientists all over the Earth will know, especially through the clarity of our voice and what they see, that “God is Present”—and that we, whom they have destroyed, would not have this knowledge if it did not come from The Highest of Sources!
He later cites the article written by Lee Speigel, "New Obama Advisor John Podesta An Advocate For UFO Disclosure" and states:
President Obama, open up Roswell/“Area 51” and summon the scientists from all over the world, since you have John Podesta by your side, and you have the friendship of Bill and Hillary Clinton who were taught of these UFOs by Laurance Rockefeller: Since you have an army of those inside America, and outside, that have seen these things—and will join with you if there’s great opposition against you from “The Satanic Mind.”
The presentation was published on the 15th (Feb.15, 2014); no word yet if the President is aware of Farrakhan's requests; however, it's a safe bet there won't be a response . . . although it would be interesting if someone in the White House Press Corps posited the question. . . .
See Also:
UFO Disclosure Advocate, John Podesta Named Newest Advisor To President Obama
Nation of Islam Looks to UFOs to Save the World
"Only Little Green Men at National Press Club are Dead Presidents on $20,000 Honorariums..." | Citizen Hearing On UFO Disclosure | UFO NEWS
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