Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Huge Sunspot Targets Earth | VIDEO

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Huge Sunspot Targets Earth

A 4-day movie of AR1944 from the Solar Dynamics Observtory


     Giant sunspot AR1944 erupted on Jan 7th at approximately 1832 UT, producing a powerful X1-class solar flare. First-look coronagraph images from the STEREO-Ahead spacecraft appear to show a coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the blast site. If so, the CME is almost certainly heading for Earth. . . ..

Rocky Raybell photographed the active region named "AR1944" yesterday from his backyard in Keller, Washington.

The sprawling sunspot contains dozens of dark cores, the largest big enough to swallow Earth three times over. This makes it an easy target for amateur solar telescopes -- or even regular cameras. Raybell used an SX40 digital camera on a tripod whole holding a Baader solar filer over the lens to capture his image. . . .

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