The continuing effort to sweep the last few particles of Roswell-crash testimony into the anecdote bin took an especially poignant twist this week when researcher Tony Bragalia published an update on a surprising source — Nathan Twining, Jr. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll call him by his nickname, Nate.
The Twining name has unique resonance in America’s early UFO archives. Nate’s father was a four-star Air Force general who ran Air Materiel Command at Wright Patterson AFB immediately after World War II; President Eisenhower would eventually name him Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. On Sept. 23, 1947, two months after the Roswell incident, in what would become known as the “Twining memo,” the general would lay the groundwork for America’s official study of UFOs. While allowing for the “possibility that some of the incidents may be caused by natural phenomena,” Twining’s note to Brig. Gen. George Schulgen in Washington also described reports of dome-shaped metallic objects with outrageous speed and maneuverability. “The phenomenon reported is real and not something visionary or fictious,” he wrote. Historians have been debating the letter's significance ever since. Twining died in 1982.
A few days ago, Bragalia reported that, six weeks before his death, the general told Nate that the Roswell crash involved the recovery of extraterrestrial bodies, including a survivor. Alien-cadaver reports form a longstanding part of the Roswell lore, but if Twining actually confirmed that, it’d obviously be huge. Unfortunately, the named sources are all second-hand. As for Nate himself — well, the octogenarian is still alive, but he reportedly suffers from dementia in a Baltimore retirement home. In fact, over the summer, a Maryland attorney was portraying Nate Twining as a victim of “possible elderly abuse,” which included “allegations of possible physical abuse, neglect, kidnapping, false and suppressed testimony.” A tragic golden-years story, to be sure.
To this dispiriting tale comes yet another twist from Roswell gumshoes Tom Carey and Don Schmitt. They met Twining, Jr., some 15 years ago, when he was in clear command of his faculties and living in Albuquerque, N.M. According to Carey, Nate was a wealthy and genial host who enjoyed staging lavish dinners for prospective investors in land deals. Better yet, having seen UFOs himself, Nate was keenly interested in the subject. Yet, when the authors of 2009’s Witness To Roswell pressed him point-blank for details concerning his father’s Roswell revelations, Nate gave them nothing.
“General Twining would certainly have been in a position to know about it since he was with Wright-Pat’s Foreign Technology Division,” Carey tells De Void. “But Nate said he didn’t have any information on Roswell because his dad never discussed it with him. I was I was very surprised, of course.”
“Of course” because Carey had received two letters, years apart, from two women, strangers to each other, both of whom informed him that Nate had shared his father’s alleged alien-body story with each of them. “What surprised me,” Carey says, “was that he would deny it to us because Don and I became friends with Nate.
Carey says Nate did give them this: Twining was “very concerned” over the loss of pilots chasing UFOs in U.S. skies. Nate told him his father was even directly involved with a scramble over WPAFB, and shouted “Get them out of there, get them out of there!” when an intercept started spinning out of control. That encounter, according to Nate, resulted in the death of a fighter ace who’d been shot down in World War II. “But I got a list of aces who’d been shot down in World War II,” Carey says, “and I couldn’t find any record of anything like this happening to any of them. The only thing I could figure is, he must’ve gotten it confused with the Mantell case.”
Thus, another flickering Roswell candle reaches the bottom of its nub. “Not only are almost all the people who were there gone, their kids are dying out, too. And in some cases, even the grandkids. We’re at the end of the trail of witnesses.”
Now about those elusive Roswell alien corpse photos that have yet to surface ...
“I can’t say anything about that or I’ll get in trouble,” Carey says. “Just, stay tuned.”
Continue Reading . . .
See Also:
“Roswell was an ET Event” Confessed 4-star General
Alien Survived Roswell Crash, Confesses General in Death Bed Confession | VIDEO
General's Widow Reveals That the Roswell UFO Crash was in Fact an Extraterrestrial Event
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