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New book reveals why flying saucers still haunt
our skies and where to see them
By Rob Waugh
Several distinct kinds of UFO haunt the skies over Britain - and they have preferred “flight paths” too, says the author of a new UFO-hunters manual
Haynes have published car manuals since 1956 - but their latest book focuses on a nippier and more elusive vehicle - “Unidentified Flying Objects.” or UFOs.
“People who claim to have been abducted have met evil and good aliens,” says Nigel Watson, author of The Haynes UFO Investigations Manual. “They often say that planet Earth is a battleground for these opposing forces.”
Watson says there is more than enough information for a guide - “thousands” of sightings, from crashed spacecraft to abductions to glowing balls in the sky - all documented by the Ministry of Defence.
Several distinct kinds of UFO haunt the skies over Britain - and they have preferred “flight paths” too, says Watson.
“Flying saucers are still seen today,” says Watson. “The term flying saucer was coined after Kenneth Arnold spotted 9 disc-shaped objects flying over Mount Rainier, USA, on 24 June 1947.” . . .
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