The world-renowned public television science series NOVA, working in cooperation with the Materials Research Society (MRS), introduced the science of materials to the general public for the first time in January 2011, when MAKING STUFF: Stronger, Smaller, Cleaner, Smarter first aired. This highly-popular series set NOVA viewership records and led to a rebroadcast in September 2012 and again in August 2013.
MAKING MORE STUFF: Colder, Faster, Wilder, Safer
Four new episodes of MAKING STUFF will premier October 16, 2013.
The fascinating four-hour series returns to PBS for four nights beginning October 16, 2013, to take viewers on another thrilling tour of the materials world. MAKING MORE STUFF presents dramatic stories detailing the field of materials science, how it has changed history and how it is shaping our future. Each one-hour episode—Colder, Faster, Wilder and Safer—gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at scientific innovations happening every day. . . .
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