A POSSIBLE UFO sighting has been reported, involving mysterious red and orange lights in the skies over Dorking.
. . . a town resident named only as Aaron reported seeing the lights – which did not move in the same way as regular aircraft – as he walked towards Box Hill at 10.15pm on Thursday August 29).
He wrote: “I was walking to my girlfriend’s house like I do every night around this time. This is my first ever experience of seeing a UFO.
“I was looking from Dorking towards Box Hill. I saw three bright orange lights in a perfect row which stood out to me in the clear night sky as they where bigger than your average bright object in the night sky. . . .
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See Also:
UFO's Over Cow Field in Stamford, UK | VIDEO
'UFO' Photographed Over East Hull (UK) | UFO NEWS
Disc-Shaped UFOs Photographed Over Bracknell, UK
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