Monday, August 26, 2013

Shag Harbour Incident: 43rd Anniversary of UFO Crashing into The Water

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Shag Harbour Incident: 43rd Anniversary of UFO Crashing into The Water

A Peek Into The Past: UFO's

By Brittany W. Verge
The Advance

Shag Harbour recently had their annual UFO Festival. It’s been 43 years since several people witnessed what they originally thought was a plane or some sort of air craft crash into the harbour.

      The incident is one of the most well documented cases of an Unidentified Flying Object sightings in the world.

The idea of flying saucers and aliens is a modern type of phenomena. As technology has progressed, humankind has become more intrigued with space travel and with space in general. Our imaginations run wild when we see things in the sky we can’t quite place.

But what if someone saw something years before the idea of spaceships. How would they describe it? Well here is an entry from Simeon Perkins Diary describing one such sighting:

October 12, 1796: “A strange Story is going that Fleet of Ships have been Seen in the Air in Some part of the Bay of Fundy. Mr. Darrow is lately from there by Land. I enquired of him. He Says they were Said to be Seen in the New Minas, at one Mr. Ratchford's, by a Girl, about Sunrise, & that the Girl being frightened, Called out, & two men that were in the House went out and Saw the Same Sight, being 15 Ships and a Man forwards of them with his hand Stretched out. . . .

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