Friday, July 12, 2013

Huge UFO with Police Helicopters in Pursuit Tweets Singer Ryan Adams

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Singer Ryan Adams Tweets About Spotting a Huge UFO Last Night

By Joe Lynch

     So… this is weird. Last night around 11 P.M. PT, Ryan Adams launched into a barrage of tweets about spotting a UFO. Yeah, for real.

But unlike most other UFO sightings, Adams didn't see a blip of something for a fleeting moment. And according to his Twitter, he wasn't the only one. Adams claims he spotted a "huge" object while driving his car in Glendale, CA, a place with a history of UFO sightings. Furthermore, Adams tweeted the object was hotly pursued by police cars as well as helicopters.

"Three cops were tearing ass in its direction in oncoming traffic. Thing was huge. If it was a blimp then that was a f-cked up blimp," tweeted Adams. "Whatever I saw was like a real sci fi film come to life." . . .

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