Known for customizing his own acronyms, actor Gary Busey from the NBC-TV show “Celebrity Apprentice” might spell out UFOs (unidentified flying objects) as “unusually fascinating oddities.”
The exhibition “Encounters: UFO Experience” will premiere April 4 at Broadway at the Beach, and continue through Sept. 2, in the same hall where “Bodies Revealed” opened eyes and horizons the past two summers. Look for a flying saucer in the outer side of the building for this show, though.
. . . design of “Encounters,” said the exhibit caps off more than five years of research, and assembly of artifacts and content begun three years ago.
He said amid various other entities’ “alien-related exhibits, nothing like this with the set designs” has been produced. With a Hollywood-set designer’s touch, “Encounters” relates specifically to UFO phenomena in a family experience. . . .

“He’s fascinating,” Bouquet said. “if you want to get a greater understanding of the science behind propulsion systems that could take us to another galaxy in an eighth of the time we need, he’s the one who can tell you.” . . .
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See Also:
The Roswell Exhibit: Conservative Scientists Resort To Ad Hominem Attacks Against Noted Ufologist Stanton Friedman
UFO NEWS | VIDEO | Area 51 Exhibit Opens Today at the National Atomic Testing Museum
Betty and Barney Hill UFO Collection Opens Friday at UNH
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