Thursday, February 28, 2013

Siberian News Organization Asks, "Did a UFO Shoot Down the Famous Chelyabinsk Meteorite?" | UFO NEWS | VIDEO

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Siberian News Organization Asks,

By The Siberian Times
     The meteorite that crashed to Earth in the Urals was attacked by a UFO causing it to explode and shatter, it was claimed on Thursday.

The theory comes from Russian watchers of unidentified flying objects and echoes a version that first appeared on the day the space rock fell on Chelyabinsk region. Early speculation suggested the meteorite had been shot at by a Russian missile, but no such claim has been made by the authorities.

Indeed, the Russian government is seeking to lead world efforts to secure the technology to blast such objects before they cause damage on the ground.

Now attention has switched to whether - as a raging online debate suggests - 'we were saved by a UFO' exploding the menacing meteorite seconds before it struck the ground.

'At first, we also believed that the Chelyabinsk meteorite was just an ordinary meteorite, a cosmic body', said Alexander Komanev, coordinator for the Russian UFO community in Yekaterinburg. 'But facts began to emerge. In the internet began to appear videos, at least three of which were similar, on which you can see how an object catches the meteorite.'

This tiny object then 'flies through it - and the meteorite explodes and falls.

'Such a number of videos, made from different angles makes us believe that something blew up the meteorite...' - Komanev stressed.

To the untrained eye, it is hard to tell what was happening here, but Komanev suggests that prior to the the meteorite's fall there was an upsurge in UFO sightings.

His 'second supporting argument' is that 'since 2012 we have registered an increase of UFO activity. We began to receive more testimonies of eyewitnesses.'

He explained: 'Usually we get two messages about UFO per month. Since the beginning of February we received four messages.'

He claimed that 'we have two videos on which we can clearly see a UFO' shortly before the meteorite. . . .

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