Monday, February 04, 2013

Alien Solar System May Exist In Nearby Hyades Star Cluster, Asteroid Dust 'Pollution' Suggests | SPACE NEWS

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Alien Solar System May Exist In Nearby Hyades Star Cluster, Asteroid Dust 'Pollution' Suggests

By Miriam Kramer
The Huffington Post

      At 150 light-years from Earth, the Hyades cluster is the nearest star cluster to Earth's solar system and scientists have long wondered if some of those stars are home to alien planets.

Now, that particular mystery might be solved.

Astronomer Ben Zuckerman, a physics and astronomy professor at UCLA, and his team have discovered evidence that the atmosphere of a white dwarf star in the Hyades cluster is "polluted" with rocky material from pulverized asteroids pulled into orbit around the dying, super-dense star.

The presence of asteroid dust, Zuckerman said, suggests that larger objects like exoplanets, or possibly an entire solar system, may also be orbiting the white dwarf. . . .

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