Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Did Google Street View Capture A UFO Over St. Charles County? | UFO NEWS | VIDEO

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Did Google Street View Capture A UFO Over St. Charles County?


     ST. LOUIS, MO. (KTVI) – Something Google’s Street View spied in St. Peters off Dingledine Road. Many are still debating what is in the image.

“That’s almost certainly a lens flair effect. Yeah, it just looks like an artifact from a lens.” said Dir. McDonnel Planetary St. Louis Science Center John Lakey.

This isn’t the first time Google’s Street View cameras caught an unidentified flying object, or even something unusual. So, i headed to the place that could get to the bottom of our other-worldly wondering, the St. Louis Science Center.

“About 50% of the time it’s usually a planet they’re looking at or a couple of planets, or a planet and a bright star. So a lot of time people see something at the same time in the morning or night.” said John Lakey.

John Lakey at the McDonnel Planetarium fields a lot of calls about flying objects. Most of the time Lakey and his team uses science to be get to the bottom of things up in the air. But he’s almost certain this was Google’s Street View camera catching a lens flair from the sun. . . .

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