"The facts are above our skies in the Permian Basin. We are seeing the lights, we are seeing stars, we are seeing crafts. My belief is that they're transporting something or someone, and depending on how in depth you would like to open Pandora's box, we're thinking of course, they're aliens," the man said.
He said the lights that he's been seeing going across the sky are following each other at different altitudes and he's able to do that with a special type of night vision binoculars that the military uses.
"What do you say to those people who say you're crazy?" NewsWest 9 asked.
"Seeing is believing, but if you don't believe that's ok. We're not out here to win anyone, win anybody over and prove to anybody anything. It is what it is. There's enough facts, there's enough proof out there that we know that they're there, we don't know what they want. We know that the government is covering all of this up," he said. . . .
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See Also:
Cigar Shaped UFO Recorded Over Arlington, Texas | UFO NEWS | VIDEO
UFO NEWS | VIDEO: Police Dash Cam Captures Object in Texas Skies
Texas Official Demands Answers About Alleged UFO
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