Saturday, August 25, 2012

Veteran Ufologist Ray Stanford Finds Dinosaur Footprint On NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Campus

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Dino Print Found By Ray Stanford at Goddard Space Flight Center Campus

By Jed E. Robinson

     Researcher of things psychic and UFO Ray Stanford found what appears to be a 30cm wide dinosaur footprint on the Goddard Space Flight Center campus. NASA officials did not wish to make public the exact location where the print was found.

The precise whereabouts of the fossilized track are kept secret for the moment as officials fear someone could try to destroy or remove it from the site.

Stanford is a self-taught fossil hunter. During his lifetime he found more than 1400 dinosaur tracks. He is well known for his special visual talent that allows him to see things other people don't see. The finding happened after Stanford picked up a slice of what appeared to be a brown rock. He immediately realized he found the mark of a toe. . . .

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