
Sunday, May 27, 2012


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UFO Caught on Camera Acacia Hills, Australia 5-22-12

By Katherine Times

     It seems this year's Top End UFO season has started - with the first sighting being recorded from Australia's most famous UFOlogist, Alan Ferguson.

"... While going out to check the skies like I do regularly... I saw a UFO down the back of the block," Mr Ferguson reported on his website.

The UFO hunter from Acacia Hills, 250km north of Katherine, said the sighting happened just before 8pm on Tuesday night.

"The weather was clear and there was no moon or even planes around the area," Mr Ferguson said.

"The UFO ... hover(ed) from side to side. The object looked like flashing red, green and white lights through the binoculars and you could not make out a body shape.

"It was moving side to side, up and down making no sound at all. . . .

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