Tuesday, March 27, 2012

MY UFO EXPERIENCE | "I Would Like to Provide Some Information to You About the Phoenix Lights Incident"

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     I would like to provide some information to you about the Phoenix Lights incident.

Around the time that this event happened I was working for a company called JEFA International Inc. out of Dallas TX. We were working on a microwave radio communications project for the Department of Justice. This was a microwave and two-way radio project for the Border Patrol in Arizona. One of the communications sites was at the abandoned Air force base at Ajo AZ. I had worked their several times during the installation and testing of the equipment. Sometimes I worked with a co-worker and sometime alone.

The site sits atop one of the highest points at the old base. Below the site you can see the huge L-shaped valley where we would occasionally see the A-10 Warthogs and F-15 or 16 jets would come in and fire their 20mm cannons and drop dummy bombs on a giant bull’s eye on the desert floor.

One night I was working there and had stepped outside for a break and saw a slow flying cargo type plane dropping flares into the western leg of the valley. You could see them coming out of the back of the plane and slowly descend by parachute to the ground. They lit up the whole desert floor of the valley. They were a bright orange red color and were in a spacing that was consistent with what was seen over the Estella mountain range from Phoenix.


  1. Jim Dilettoso's computer analysis concluded that the lights over Phoenix could not have been flares, airplanes or anything else manmade. Gov. Simington later acknowledged that he saw them and was convinced it was UFO, and the AF denied any knowledge. Flares? I don't think so.

  2. Hi Lucius,

    Thanks for taking time to make comment. However, Jim Dilettoso never analyzed "lights over Phoenix"; the videos he originally examined were proven to be of flares, and not over Phoenix. Jim himself has reversed his long-standing position (re the videos), after using new technology; to this fact, he can be heard here in his own words:



  3. Hi Lucius,

    Ooops! In my haste I forgot to mention that the flares dropped at 10:00 pm and video-taped by a handful of people do not negate actual events of true unknowns that occurred in the eight o'clock hour.


  4. Thanks for responding, Frank. Agree that the earlier sigtings are problematic. The link you provided seems to be dead. I did find this 2007 clip where Dilettoso says they're not flares. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puRAXPHgYDc
    If you google Dilettoso and Phoenix lights you get quite a bit of info. My own sense is that the jury is out on this.

  5. Evenin' Lucius,

    You wrote:

    Agree that the earlier sigtings are problematic.

    If you mean that they defy conventional explanation, then you are indeed correct.

    You wrote:

    The link you provided seems to be dead.

    I checked the link and it is functional; however, you needed to copy and paste it in your address bar. Here it is again (this time it's clickable):

    Jim Dilettoso Reverses Position

    The interview was done on 8-30-2009.

    Dilettoso was one of the first, and was most vocal in regards to the flares being an "unknown"; however, "even he" finally acquiesced to the preponderance of evidence.

    You wrote:

    My own sense is that the jury is out on this.

    The jury "is out" in the sense that "they went home" along time ago–case closed. The confusion with the 10:00 pm flare videos and eight o'clock hour UFO events was initiated by the media melding the two events together; this literally began the next day March 14th, 1997. The media still muddies the water and confounds the public to this day.

    The initial investigation performed by MUFON, and lead investigator Richard Motzer
    cleared up the flare issue back in May of 1997. Subsequent analysis reconfirmed Motzer's findings, e.g., Cognitech, ASU, Tom King's video analysis (he also initially thought the flares were something extraordinary and reversed himself). Bruce Maccabee's analysis also confirmed Motzerr's iniatial report, and you can her him reconfirm this in "his own words" here (just a couple of weeks ago):

    Dr Bruce Maccabee Reiterates, ". . . The Lights at Ten O'Clock were Flares; The Real UFO Business was Between Eight and Nine PM" (3-10-12)


  6. Thanks again, Frank. Clearly I was not up to date on the analysis of this phenomenon. I was able to listen to Dilettoso explanation and given his, Motzer and Maccabee's conclusion that the 10pm sighting was of flares, you can delete my previous comments. lol... Thanks for educating me on this.

  7. Hi Lucius,

    It's important to realize, that in the beginning before any investigation, the "perception" of the distant flares was very impressive; more over it was melded with "real UFO activity"; hence most folks believed that the videos were of the real deal. This included Motzer, as well as Tom King, who was one of the original videographers, and like Dilettoso was adamant that he (and the others) shot something "unconventional."

    As time went by and the details/evidence were uncovered, most sober researchers acknowledged the videos as flares. Lesser known, but equally impactive was Tom King's analysis of the videos (including his own); he did a split screen showing that all the videographers were shooting the same lights (flares).

    Of course we also have the admission from the Maryland Air National Guard themselves, confirming the flare drop.

    All that aside, none of the above negates the real UFO activity tht took place earlier in the evening.


  8. Anonymous8:10 PM

    This is quite a story this guy wrote about working out in the desert near Ajo. The Phoenix Lights were never known to be dropping like flares on parachutes as far as I know and they sure were not anywhere near what I think he meant to say: The Estrella Mountains which are way out west of Phoenix and more near Buckeye and Avondale. Just for some interesting info, Estrella means star in Spanish if I remember correctly. The Phoenix Lights was a huge ship that started out being seen first near Henderson and Boulder City, NV I think, then over Kingman, Mineral Park and Golden Valley, AZ which makes sense, and then over Prescott and Crown King and Verde Valley. It must have then turned due south since it was next seen in the Phoenix Metro Area heading south still towards Tucson. It went right over part of Deer Valley, North Phoenix, Glendale, Downtown and Eastern Phoenix then over Tempe, then Mesa and on down to Chandler, Higley, Queen Creek, the Gila River, Casa Grande, Picacho, Marana or maybe up on Mount Lemmon and eventually Tucson although I don't remember if anyone there saw it. I think it was flying farther to the west of Marana and Tucson which would be all mtns and unpopulated desert except for Silverbell and other old mining towns which are pretty much deserted anyway. It's fairly obvious that it was an absolutely huge flying vehicle of some kind. To think of flares doing that makes me want to run laughing and screaming down the street. My brother lives in Scottsdale and was lucky enough to be one of the thousands of people who saw this ship. He is still in awe to this day and he's one skeptical guy. Well, he was until he saw that thing! But, you can't argue when the craft is flying right over your head and you can see it clearly and it's lights and see the stars blocked out because the ship is so dang huge. So.....it really wasn't ever near the Estrella's. When it was over downtown Phoenix and down by Guadalupe is the closest it ever got to the Estrella's. Anyway, interesting read and even more interesting comments! No, no flares. Not even close to possible imho.


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