As many readers will no doubt be aware, Bryce is the co-creator of the NBC television series Dark Skies (1996-1997), which presents an alternate, covert history of the second half of the 20th Century as shaped by UFO/ET related events.
From 2001 to 2003, Bryce served as the Chairman of the Television Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has collaborated with the likes of Steven Spielberg (on the UFO mini-series Taken), Stan Lee and David Kelly. In 2008, he received the Writers Guild of America Award for his Hallmark mini-series, Pandemic.
In 2010, Bryce teamed up with Richard Dolan to co-author the groundbreaking book A.D. After Disclosure, which explores the potential impact of UFO Disclosure on government, science, religion, media, culture, law, education, and politics. The book is being released in a new, revised edition by Career Press in May 2012.
In his role as Silver Screen Saucers Consulting Editor, Bryce will contribute occasional articles and commentary pieces to the site, sharing with the reader his valuable insider’s perspective on Hollywood’s UFO-themed entertainment products.
Silver Screen Saucers will be considerably enriched by Bryce's involvement, making the site all the more essential, both as a unique, easily accessible resource for the serious UFO researcher and as a one-stop-shop for the info-hungry UFO movie fan.
For more information about Bryce Zabel, check out his web sites:,, and
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