Today, a “We The People” appeal demanding a White House explanation is quietly tanking and, by the time its 30-day deadline to acquire 25,000 signatures expires late this month, it’ll join all the other UFO petitions in the dead letter office. But those results hardly absolve the feds from accountability.
“No, I do not think it’s plausible that if you have an unknown object, without a transponder, heading for the home of the President of the United States, as it’s being chased by F-16s, that the FAA automatically destroyed those records,” says UFO historian Richard Dolan. “That makes no sense.”
The soon-to-be-defunct petition in question also links to MUFON’s reconstruction of the so-called Stephenville Incident using civilian radar records recovered via FOIA request, which covered a 4-8 p.m. window on 1/8/2008, as the massive UFO beelined for the “Western White House” no-fly zone. The FAA claimed it had routinely liquidated all records subsequent to 8 p.m., which was better than the military could provide (no records at all).
Dolan, author of UFOs and The National Security State Volumes 1 and II, recently watched his own White House petition fizzle after collecting less than 2,000 signatures. Last month, he and petition co-author Bryce Zabel called for independent hearings into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena that would extend immunity to government whistle-blowers. He concedes there were problems with the timing (holidays), and technical glitches on the White House end that evoked numerous complaints from those who had trouble logging in. Maybe there was a little “petition fatigue” as well, as nearly half a dozen UFO petitions made the rounds since the “We The People” initiative launched last September.
Dolan declines to blame those factors for petition failure, however, and says the greater challenge is crafting language that is at once elegant, simple, non-accusatory, and precisely targeted. “I think we have to remember this is a White House petition, not an FAA petition or a CIA petition,” he says from his home in Rochester, N.Y. “It’s not like the president has the ability to dictate to the FAA.”
As an exercise in public policy, getting the White House to chase the Stephenville Incident is probably a grad-school project. Dolan says maybe the trick is to start with Freshman 101 — evoking a White House concession that the UFO challenge is real.
“It would give you a starting point to address other issues like avation safety. Aviation safety does not stretch the parameters of our reality too much,” Dolan says. “There are a number of reports on record of pilots reporting unknown objects zooming by their aircraft in ways that qualify as near misses. I think you can call that a legitimate aviation safety issue. There’s a history to it.”
But even if a petition were written by Mr. Spock himself, how would you motivate 25,000 people to spend 10 seconds to autograph it? Maybe this takes advanced degrees in psych to figure out.
. . . More
See Also:
Stephenville UFO: The Initial Reports
'Stephenville' Investigator's Report
Stephenville UFOs: Was the Air Force Protecting 'The Presidential Ranch?'
Peculiar Craft Over Stephenville Leaves Witnesses Stunned!
Did Walmart Security Cameras Capture Images of Stephenville UFO?
Witness Catches Stephenville UFO On Cell Phone Camera!
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