Robbie Graham is a full-time doctoral candidate at the University of Bristol, England, for a PhD examining Hollywood’s historical representations of UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation. As a writer and lecturer, his work emphasizes the cultural, industrial and political processes by which Hollywood’s UFO movie content is shaped, as well as the impact of these movies on popular perceptions of the UFO phenomenon.
Graham has been a guest on BBC Radio, Coast to Coast AM, and Canal+ TV. His articles have been featured in a variety of publications including The Guardian, New Statesman, Filmfax, Fortean Times, Adbusters, and the peer-reviewed journal 49th Parallel. He can be contacted through his blog featuring news updates, commentary and articles on Hollywood’s UFO movies. (http://silverscreensaucers.blogspot.com)
The writer/lecturer is scheduled to be one of the speakers at the August 2011 3rd Annual Leeds (England) Exopolitics Expo. His topic is “A Hollywood UFO Conspiracy?” His discussion will be “highlighting the seriousness with which Washington has long regarded the potential of entertainment media to shape popular perceptions of the UFO phenomenon.” Graham said, “This talk will bring together six-decades-worth of concrete cases in which the US government and military have attempted – often successfully – to shape the content of UFO-themed film and television products. In the majority of these cases,” he said, “the government has sought to downplay the significance of UFOs and to massage its own public image in relation to the phenomenon.”
A major article for Graham and co-author Matthew Alford, “A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television” was made available April 5 on Graham’s blog (http://silverscreensaucers.blogspot.com) as an advanced publication for the Spring 2011 issue of 49th Parallel – a journal of North American Studies jointly run through the UK universities of Birmingham and Nottingham. It considers the subject of government manipulation of UFO-themed media products.
“Of particular interest in the piece,” Graham wrote, “are revelations from the director of Disney’s 2009 movie Race to Witch Mountain concerning covert and seemingly high-level CIA involvement in said production.
Tune in to The Joiner Report on Thursday, April 14, 7:30-9:00 p.m. Central (8:30-10 p.m. Eastern), www.inceptionradio.com for this special interview.
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