I immediately informed Mr. Speigel that he had now become a part of a piracy scheme that Bill Knell (a long time criminal), has been doing for many years.
Bill Knell has been using the Internet to sell researchers and TV producers' copyrighted videos' and DVDs on the subject of Ufology for his own benefit, to the point of changing the titles, stating that he is the actor or director of the films he’s pirating, and offering them for sale, many times at a reduced price, and definitely with a poorer quality than the originals. This is not only a scam against the researchers, but also the victims who have purchased these products; it is blatant copyright infringement and a serious Federal Offense.
Frank Warren (www.theufochronicles.com) made me aware a few years ago that one of my DVDs, titled “The Roswell Incident: Then and Now,” was being offered by Knell on a website entitled Bravenet, [Bravenet was actually the web-host; Knell's web-site at the time was www.theufoguy.org–FW] under the title of “Aliens Among Us: Stunning Secrets About UFOs and Extraterrestrials.”
Aztec Incident Researcher Scott Ramsey also had a film being offered by Knell illegally, which after some detailed investigation by Frank and Scott revealed a list of over 80 researchers and TV producers products were being offered by Knell. Frank, Scott and myself, to make them aware of Knell’s illegal action, personally contacted many of those victims, and we requested that they contact the IC3 (The Internet Crime Complaint Center) which is partnered with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to report these violations. The on-line IC3 form only takes a few minutes to complete and submit --- unfortunately only a handful of those we contacted bothered to do so.
We contacted and complained to FBI offices in North Carolina and Indianapolis, Indiana, Detective Maurice Hobson with the Lebanon Police Department in Lebanon, Indiana where Knell lives and conducts his criminal activities, and other law enforcement agencies. We were able to shut down several of Bill Knell’s websites through our efforts, but it appears he is now using Amazon.com for his continued operation.
Contacting Knell directly is of no value, as he will only give excuses, as he’s done to us, removing the products in question until he feels the pressure is gone, and then they reappear at another site on the Internet.
Rich Rosell of DVD Talk was contacted recently about reviewing one of Knell’s pirated films and his only response was, as a reviewer it wasn’t his place to take sides. Bill Knell deserves no publicity (good or bad reviews), but rather needs to be prosecuted and incarcerated for a long time, since any publicity given to Bill Knell, would be assisting his criminal actions, as Amazon.com is currently doing after being notified by several of us on different occasions.
My Nov. 1, 2009 editorial, “Piracy: A Silent Plague on Ufology”
explains some of what transpired at that time; obviously things haven’t changed, and it’s imperative that those who have been victimized by Bill Knell (researchers, TV producers and the many who have bought poorly reproduced, pirated, illegal DVDs) contact the IC3 and complete the complaint form. The IC3 website can be found at http://www.IC3.gov/
The following list of Bill Knell's potential victims was distributed a few years ago, and it can be assumed that Knell has possibly removed some (or worse), added more. Again it’s imperative if you recognize your name or know anyone on the list contact IC3, so Knell’s illegal operation can be stopped.

Today, Knell’s DVDs are currently on Amazon; do a search for Bill Knell and you will see he is listed as actor or director on many of the DVDs, when he is neither. Bill Knell is a criminal and with your help he can be stopped. If additional information is required, or if you have any questions please feel free to contact any one of us:
Dennis Balthaser: truthseeker@dfn.com
Frank Warren: frankwarren@theufochronicles.com
Scott Ramsey: scottr@expresswireservices.com
– Editor's Note –
If you believe that your work has been copied in a way –by Bill Knell– that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide Amazon.com's copyright agent the written information specified below. This procedure is exclusively for notifying Amazon.com and its affiliates that your copyrighted material has been infringed.
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* Special Thanks To Terry Groff
This is the information you need to contact Amazon.com about copyright infringement
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- A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
Amazon.com's Copyright Agent for notice of claims of copyright infringement on its site can be reached as follows:
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Terry Groff
Hello Dennis and Frank,
ReplyDeleteWhile I disagree with almost everything you seem to support in reference to UFO's, on this one topic we are united.
I can not think of anything so terrible that I would not wish it upon Bill Knell.
Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking time to make comment. Bill Knell is a scoundrel in any "ology!"
Separately, I would imagine we agree on more things then you might think ;>).
Well the kids should be taken away and he should along with any women he is with should go to jail also.Some people shouldn't have kids but the dog needs to own up and the courts need to find a family that will take the kids all together.Caught once shame on you caught twice shame on police for not taking care of the situation.It breaks my heart to see kids in situations that they can't control.