Robert Hastings believes we are not.
And, he has compiled more than 120 eyewitness reports over nearly 40 years that say there isn’t just life out there – it has been here to visit.
His research on the matter brought him to the Nebraska Panhandle in December of last year after he received numerous accounts of UFO sightings near the F.E. Warren Air Force Base missile field. During his four-day stay, he collected testimony from Sidney, Potter and Kimball residents.
“I have received over a dozen sighting reports in western Nebraska and southeast Wyoming near missile sites,” Hastings told The Sidney Sun-Telegraph in a telephone interview.
Those reports suggest that cigar-, cylindrical-, or triangle-shaped flying objects hovered near missile sites, or were seen flying or turning at speeds no known human aircraft could.
More . . .
See Also:
UFO NEWS | VIDCAST: Fox News Interviews Robert Hastings & Bob Salas Re UFO Incursions at Nuclear Missile Sites
Noted Ufologist 'Robert Hastings' Addresses Erroneous Statements in Article by Raelian Sect
Excerpt From UFOs and Nukes by Robert Hastings: 'Like a Diamond in the Sky
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