Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nebraska Light Near Ground Shoots into Sky

Nebraska Light Near Ground Shoots into Sky

By Roger Marsh
UFO Examiner

oger Marsh     A Nebraska witness driving to work along a two-lane road February 7, 2011, watched a glowing object near ground level shoot into the sky, according to testimony submitted February 19 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness first noticed the glowing.

"As I was driving along the two lane highway, off to the west I could see something glowing over a hill, much like a combine looks when it's harvesting at night in the fall, or even like the sun might look as it's coming up over the horizon in the east," the witness stated. "Just a glow. I drove for a mile or two, keeping an eye on the glow, wondering just what it was coming from."

As the witness continued driving, the object shot up into the sky.

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