
By Inexplicata
Argentinean ufologists have disclosed the presence of unidentified flying objects over the Atucha Nuclear Power Station in Zárate. New methods shall be developed to obtain further details.7-1-10
Mysterious phenomena, considered by researchers to reflect the presence of intelligent, major anomalies over the Atucha Nuclear Power Station, have stirred the interest of fans of such events.
A report in Diario Popular reports on the existence of UFOs over Zarate, and the increase in such activity. Cristian Soldano, a field researchers, maintains that the area has become “a place for constant phenomena” in which pulsating UFOs (also known as “flash” UFOs) are known to have a significant presence.
Researchers are hoping to develop new methods to obtain further details on the objects buzzing Atucha.
(Translation (c) 2010, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)
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