The Joiners DON’T Know What They Saw
By Angelia Joiner
In the fall of 2008, Angelia Joiner and her husband Randell, encountered something neither of them could explain in the Pacific Northwest, U.S. Angelia was asked by a resident of the region to help investigate a reoccurring phenomena.By Angelia Joiner
Up until now, the couple has only shared this event with close friends.
Angelia and Randell will describe what it was they saw and leave you the listener to draw your own conclusions.
Tune in Friday, Feb. 19 for The Joiner Report version of We DON’T Know What We Saw, 9-10 p.m. CST on The UFO Paranormal Radio Network.
The following Friday, Angelia and Frank Warren will reveal the name and talk with the man who took her on this not-to-be forgotten journey.
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