Saturday, February 06, 2010

'Flying Object' Makes Vertical Descent and Then Vanishes!

My UFO Experience
Read Submitted Report

     Driving on the 10 freerway westbound approaching downtown LA on 2/3/10 at about 7:15 PM, I watched a flying object making a near vertical descent from about 800 feet high, before finally levelling out a bit and vanishing.

It looked far large for fireworks, and was a craft of some kind. No helicopter or small plane would survive this descent. The object - glowing red and green- seemed to be about small plane sized. This was near the 110 /10 intersection.

I watched it for a good 20 seconds before it either left my field of view or disappeared after suddenly glowing brightly.. I waited , expecting to hear an impact. Someone else must have seen it.

I drive that route once a week at that time, and have done so for three years; this was a startling thing to see, and I had time to study it.

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