By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles
© 9-9-09
The UFO Chronicles
© 9-9-09
Most of our readers are undoubtedly aware of the segment done on the Today Show on Monday (Labor Day), entitled, Secrets of The Future Today: Watching The Skies for UFO as well as ABC’s PrimeTime - The Outsiders, concerning the abduction phenomenon with focus on Stan Romanek; the latter aired a few weeks back and was dreadful.
Today’s attention however, is on the “Secrets,” segment (seen here); not surprising, and what has become status quo for the MSM is the associating of the noun believer, or the verb believe when discussing the subject matter, insinuating that the topic is “faith-based” or is of a cultus of some sort. This all to common “painting” of Ufology by innuendo has become the norm for the MSM.
As the host introduces the show by stating, “ . . . now a lot of people may laugh off the idea, but there are some of “true believers” [my emphasis] out there who say we are not alone.” The piece then begins as the viewer is treated to a collage of sci-fi flicks, e.g., “Mars Attacks,” “Independence Day” and “Close Encounters,” etc., while an old Byrds’ tune entitled, Hey Mr. Spaceman, is playing in the background! (ad nauseam).
The first interview is done with Father Jose Gabriel Funes of the Vatican, and in my view the better part of the piece lies on the cutting room floor. To be clear the notion that the Vatican does not discount the reality of the UFO phenomenon as well as “other” life in the universe is a salient point; however, the part of the interview that was aired, is the piece where the good father is talking (in reference to space visitors) about ET being our “brothers or sisters,” and the impression it left me was reminiscent of the “Spaceman song” played a few seconds earlier.
The show then segues into the next interview (sound effects included) with Nick Pope, done by reporter Keith Miller—this being the highlight of the production: Nick cites events reported by both military and civilian pilots, and Miller underscores the shoot down orders and pursuit of a UFO, recently confirmed by the pilot “Milton Torres.”

What would have been a most sober, salient point was negated by the “visual antics” that the producers chose to meld with the interview!
Miller then narrates a piece with former Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who declares that Roswell indeed took place and he confirmed it with his contacts at the Pentagon. Fortunately, the producers and Miller omitted any cartoons and or sci-fi clips; in this instance, right after Mitchell’s statements, they aired an opposing view (in general regarding Ufology) from an individual who claims he was hypnotized and induced to see a UFO—something that was not there! The implication being that UFOs are a figment of one’s imagination.
The segment ends with a shot of Miller interviewing Jill Tarter (SETI) walking through the telescope dishes at the Paul Allen Array at Hatfield, California. Although there weren’t any silly clips associated with this piece, Miller was quick to point out that there hasn’t been any success with SETI efforts. The sign off was done with a night shot of Miller gazing to the heavens stating that we “better keep watching the skies,” while the theme from Close Encounters plays in the background; as he leaves the shot a bright light (UFO) passes overhead and Miller steps back into the frame looking to and fro . . . one final attempt of the producers' wit no doubt!
I was asked most recently if “any media attention” (the notion being that "something" is better then nothing) given to Ufology is “a good thing”—my immediate and heartfelt response was “NO!”
This conflation of serious, sober UFO minutiae, along with sci-fi, light hearted silliness only tends to dumb down the public in my view. It’s misinformation in the mildest form, and “disinformation" at worst. It’s what I call the “M” factor!
I have to agree with you that any information we are likely acquire from the media, will be in spite of them as opposed to because of them. They are so pompous and assenine in their continuous rejections of things either right in front of them or for sure across the globe. The crop circle phenomena alone, should be all the evidence any sane person needs to convince them, these things - crop circles - are done - not by anyone from Earth planet - and for what reason? COMMUNICATION!! Unfortunately the media is run by someone in charge of all our lives and the public will get only that which they desire for the public to have! I don't think anything will happen until - at some point - the ET's have had enough and make themselves known to the world and when that happens and only then - will the world as a whole understand - "PEOPLE OF EARTH - YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIVE THIS WAY AND WE CAN HELP YOU"
ReplyDeleteIf - any ET's wanted to take over this planet, they would have done it already. They can get here and we can't even get off our duffs and figure out what's happening!
I think the one reason they use terms like 'believer'and portray the UFO phenomena as 'faith based' is because that is what they want viewers to see it as. It's no secret that most of the MSM is liberal biased, and as a result, anti-religious. The socialist thinkers at the very top of society don't like religion because it puts some limitations on their power. Kings in the middle ages had their power checked by the pope. Even if their power wasn't checked by the pope, they often claimed to have the 'divine' right to rule and their actions were scrutinized by the religious beliefs of the society, whether it was a Christian society or not. The reason communism and atheism go hand in hand is because communist and socialist leaders want complete and total authority over everything. They don't want to have their actions scrutinized by religious beliefs. They don't want to answer to God. And they don't want the people to believe in God either. That way, they can claim to be the highest authority there is.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is why they don't want people to believe in the UFO phenomena. They don't want people to think there may be a race of advanced aliens out there. If a race of advanced aliens existed, then that would be a threat to their authority because many people would view the aliens as the higher authority.
There are financial and political incentives for our very conservative media to obscure the truth - they do what their owners tell them to do. I'm as left wing as they come and wouldn't mind a bit if we had some Scandinavian-style socialism here if it meant everyone had health care and a place to live, and I believe in the living Goddess, not Yahweh. Patriarchal religion only reinforces the status quo. They aren't avoiding it because of "god," they're avoiding it because of greed.
ReplyDeleteThe elites who own this country have no incentive to be honest with the people. In fact, if they keep UFO existence a secret, they get to retain proprietary rights to the technology they manage to acquire - again, it's all about greed. It's up to us to get the word out, because even if a UFO landed on the White House lawn, the disinformation specialists will convince half the unwashed masses that it's a publicity stunt or a hoax.