By Access Media
“I have heard some troubling allegations concerning the Dulce area relevant to serious environmental as well as health issues there," said Hayakawa. "One allegation is that the government, beginning in the mid 1970s, conducted clandestine experiments near Dulce involving bovine diseases, anthrax and other substances, purportedly as biological warfare research." Hayakawa also said he has heard reports of illegal dumping or storage of toxic chemicals and other bio-hazardous materials in the area.
"Another allegation," continued Hayakawa, “is that there was a cover-up of radiation leaks in the region resulting from a 1967 underground nuclear detonation which took place about 22 miles southwest of Dulce." The name of that government experiment was Project Gasbuggy, touted as part of the government's attempt to utilize nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. “Project Gasbuggy was part of the Plowshare Program,” noted Hayakawa, “and was ostensibly conducted to ease the flow of natural gas in the region.” According to Hayakawa, however, the government knew well in advance that it would produce high amount of radiation. He suspects the radiation may be relevant to a higher-than-normal rate of cancer in the area, as well as reports of fertility problems among some women in the area.
“If any of these allegations are true,” said Hayakawa, “then I support a theory that the government may have purposefully created some ‘convenient’ cover stories to conceal its activities, and may even have staged a series of fake UFO-type incidents in the area, utilizing high-tech equipment such as holographic projection devices.” This type of operation, according to Hayakwa, is known to be part of the Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) programs utilized by the military. “The association of this area with UFOs certainly creates a laughter curtain, and ridicule and would detract attention away from serious scrutiny of the area,” theorized Hayakawa.
(As a curious side note, Hayakawa tells about his first visit to Dulce in 1990 while assisting the crew of a Japanese TV Network with production of a TV special on Dulce. “We were inexplicably detained by the Jicarilla Apache police chief while we were interviewing the people on the streets about their sightings of military helicopters, strange lights in the sky and also about cattle mutilations in the nearby areas,” said Hayakawa.)
Hayakawa notes that Greg Bishop, author of Project Beta, a book thoroughly investigating the Paul Bennewitz claims of clandestine government activities during the 1970s, suggests that part of what Bennewitz may have witnessed near the Manzano Storage Area and Coyote Canyon Test Areas in 1979 could have been government test flights of remotely-controlled unmanned aerial vehicle prototypes and testing of laser-based optical tracking technologies. "If this was the case,” said Hayakawa, “these devices may have been utilized over Dulce during the height of government's operations near Dulce."
The one-day conference, open to the public, will start at 10:00 am and will conclude at 3:00 pm. Admission is $5 at the door. The conference will include an open public forum during which the public will be given an opportunity to report their experiences and express their opinions.
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