Friday, March 21, 2008

Cedar Creek Man Records Light He Saw in The Sky

UFO Over Austin Texas 3-21-08

By Austin News

     AUSTIN, Texas (KXAN) -- A Cedar Creek man started rolling on a mysterious light he saw in the sky Friday morning.

"It looks like a star," said Jeffrey Swetz of his video-recorded sighting. "But look at the stars around it. They're like, it's like four times brighter than any star in the sky except for the blue one over there way over to my right."

Swetz said the sight did not have any flashing red or green lights, like the kinds airplanes should have.

"I don't know what it is, and I can't call it a UFO, but it's got the makings of it," Swetz said.

He added that this is not the first time he has seen a mysterious object in the sky. Swetz had another sighting when he was a teenager.

1 comment :

  1. I saw these same lights 2 weekends ago around 2 am. I searched "Cedar Creek UFO's" to see if anyone else had and sure enough. There were 2 lights darting back and forth for maybe 15 seconds or so then vanished. Resurfaced maybe a minute later and then were gone for good.


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