Thursday, January 24, 2008

UFO Witness Lee Roy Gaitan on Larry King Live Tonight

F-16 Chasing Flying Saucer
By Jennifer Litz
San Angelo Live

     A recent Air Force Reserve news release claims UFO sightings in Stephenville, Texas, on Jan. 8 were really ten of their F-16 fighter jets on a nighttime training mission. This information contradicts their earlier denying of activity in the area. “In the interest of public awareness, Air Force Reserve Command Public Affairs realized an error was made regarding the reported training activity of military aircraft," the news release says.

Witnesses aren’t so sure.

“I’ve had one of the news people read the [Air Force] news release to me over the telephone,” says Erath County Constable Lee Roy Gaitan, who says he saw bright, flashing white lights on Jan. 8 that circled and bounced before aligning in a formation and taking off faster than his eyes could follow.

“I’m a little bit—disappointed that our military could make a mistake,” Gaitan says. “I don’t think it was a mistake. I really believe there was so much pressure put on the military that eventually someone said ‘okay’ . . . I’m not saying this was a flying aircraft, flying spaceship from another universe. I really believe it’s some type of military project, experiment that was going on. And they never expected to have as many people come out, saying what they did. And the media didn’t let it go.

“I believe it was something, in the long run, they were doing something that was in our best interest. Security . . . But I don’t respect the fact that they come back two weeks later and say, ‘We made a mistake.’ We are supposed to be a lead military in the world.”

Gaitan says if the military had as many fighter planes in the air as they claimed, they should have just told the truth originally. “Don’t get on the news and say, ‘We didn’t have any planes in the air that night,’” he says. “But I did not see fighter jets. [Those were] certainly not the lights I saw. If [they] were F-16s, they were doing something I’ve never seen them do.”

Larry King Live staff is trying to get a media truck from Dallas to Gaitan’s house by 8 p.m. Central time to do an on-site update interview. Gaitan assumes King will want to talk about the new military findings. Local Mandatory FM morning talk show host Pamela Stone, who has interviewed past Larry King guest James Fox, author of UFO documentary “Out of the Blue,” says she’s heard the story will be about the military’s possible harassment of some Stephenville witnesses.

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