By KOIN News 6
ALBANY, Ore. - A couple in a rural area east of Albany claim they saw what appeared to be UFOs - and they want to know if anybody else saw the same thing.10-19-07
Raye Laufer and her husband, Derral, say they were smoking in their forested backyard last month in the Cascade Range foothills.
That's when they saw two long, silver, bullet-shaped objects flying side-by-side across the sky.
The couple says that neither object had lights or made a sound before they split up, with one heading east and the other toward the northeast.
The Laufers say they next saw what appeared to be a large orb silently glowing red and orange floating above treetops before it hovered over their home and then headed north.
Raye Laufer says she filed a report with the National UFO Reporting Center, which encouraged her to ask whether anybody else saw the objects.
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