Friday, June 29, 2007

UFO Research Continues . . .

By Joel de Woolfson
This Guernsey

Capt Ray Bowyer     The Aurigny captain, who claimed to have spotted two huge UFOs off Alderney two months ago, explained the sightings on the Richard & Judy Show and CNN on Monday night.

Capt. Bowyer was quizzed about the incident by the couple and discovered that the objects he saw were similar to a UFO photographed in New Mexico, USA, in 1957.

He told the Channel Four couple that he was now working with Dr David Clark, a writer for the Fortean Times and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University who appeared in the Guernsey Press last month, to try to discover more about the sightings.

‘That photo from New Mexico was surprisingly similar and Dr Clark will be looking into the similarities,’ he said.

Capt. Bowyer added that he was very well looked after on the two shows and claimed Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan were the same off-screen as they were on.

‘It was marvellous. I asked them if they would ever come to Guernsey to do a show and Judy said they have never been to the Channel Islands, so you never know.

‘CNN was a different experience because it’s just you talking to a TV camera, which is far less inspiring. But virtually every home in America has CNN so it went out to a significant amount of people.’

He also got the opportunity to meet comedian Ronnie Corbet, who was also appearing on Richard & Judy, and said he was a very pleasant man.

Capt. Bowyer is still researching the sightings and said he had had a very worthwhile trip to Jersey Radar.

‘I’m looking forward to getting some more information from the radar. The radar in Jersey was very informative.

‘There was the possibility that there were two objects on the radar in the same area for the same length of time.

‘We need to research it more but it was very large on the radar.’


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. hgn53k said...

    My partner and I witnessed either one craft passing over twice or possibly the same two craft that Captain Bowyer witnessed arriving at our atmosphere Dec 13th 1998. These huge ships have been here for nine years now!


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