By Ernesto
hello frank seen your site on the net so i thought i'd share my story with you my names ernesto i'm from scunthorpe never really believed ufo's until i saw one in january 1981 cant remember the date but it was early to mid january .at about 3.30 on a sunday night4-1-07
coming back from visiting a friend in ashby scunthorpe i was on friers road anyway from friers road i was turning right to head down burringham rd hill as i turned to go down the hill at this point i was still on top of the road hill there it was a a round silver disc with it lights on in side it had all little yellow windows around the top of it this yellow meaning that the lights were on .
it was getting dark at this time but still abit of light in the sky .it was'nt flying really high up i would say it was just alittle higher than what a helicoper flys..it was going in and out of the dark and lighter clouds .all i wished for at that time was to of had a camara .i speeded down the hill to try follow it but within about 20 seconds it was all ready towards burringham .the village that is .i'll never forget that ..all my hairs on back of my neck just raised those were fantastic moments
regards ernesto from scunthorpe uk
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