By Monte Whaley,
Denver Post
Larimer County man directs a global team of 400 investigators who look into reports of UFOs
Denver Post
Larimer County man directs a global team of 400 investigators who look into reports of UFOs
"I think they know I'm looking for them," said the 41-year-old former Army intelligence officer.
Carrion is international director of the Mutual UFO Network, one of the largest groups in the world dedicated to examining sightings of unidentified flying objects and otherworldly phenomena.
The nonprofit's world headquarters recently moved from a storefront in Littleton into Carrion's spacious home. He directs 400 field investigators - all certified by MUFON - to interview witnesses, examine possible landing sites and review weather and astronomical data to determine whether a sighting was a balloon, atmospheric blip or something unexplainable.
Most can be explained, Carrion said. But about 10 percent to 15 percent of the 2,400 cases the group takes on each year turn out to be something that escapes human logic, he said.
"And the people who make these reports are reliable and down-to-earth who saw something that can't be explained," he said.
MUFON is one of the more "reasonably objective" UFO groups operating out there, said Roger Culver, a Colorado State University astronomy professor.
Still, no individual or organization has been able to produce dead-on, irrefutable proof that alien beings sometimes visit us, Culver said.
He also finds it puzzling that no UFO or alien has slipped out from under the blanket of secrecy the government has supposedly thrown over UFOs.
"Our government can't keep a secret," Culver said. "Just once, in the public eye, I want to see side panels of a spacecraft with serial numbers on it on an alloy not found on Earth."
Carrion - who owns a computer training company - electronically catalogs reports of UFOs and other phenomena dating back to World War II and beyond.
In all, a long concrete storehouse at Carrion's home contains more than 13,000 reported cases of UFO sightings or alien contacts. They are among rows of metal and paper files as well as photo negatives of supposed UFO encounters.
Carrion also has on hand a green, bug-eyed alien lawn ornament and an alien "fetus" floating in a jar of water.
"Oh, that," said Carrion, pointing to a bulging garbage bag leaning up against the storeroom's wall. "That's not an alien baby. Just an old Christmas tree."
Carrion said his wife doesn't seem to mind his hobby.
"She tolerates it," he said, adding that his 3-year-old son "doesn't know what Daddy does."
Carrion has never seen a UFO and is wary of those who quickly dismiss any reasonable explanation of a sighting.
"To them, this is like a religion, and they cling to that no matter what," he said.
But he also believes there are segments of the government working on aircraft and technology that occasionally crisscross our skies. Carrion is convinced the government is hiding information about scrapes people have with aircraft and entities that are not of this world.
"I have a passion for the truth," Carrion said. "Some people want to perpetuate this mystery, but I want to see a conclusion to this."
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