Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ten-Year Anniversary of ‘The Phoenix Lights’ UFO Encounter Approaches

Phoenix UFO 2
By Steve Hammons
American Chronicle

     Ten years ago this March, a huge object that some witnesses believe may have been an extraterrestrial spacecraft drifted slowly and silently over the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan region, also known as “The Valley of the Sun.”

Planning for the ten-year anniversary of that incident is underway and includes a Phoenix-area showing the award-winning documentary film THE PHOENIX LIGHTS as well as other activities and events.

Coming on the heels of a widely-reported sighting at Chicago’s O’Hare international Airport of a small, hovering gray metallic disc, the tenth anniversary of “The Phoenix Lights” incident promises to renew interest and speculation about these kinds of events.

In Arizona, many people will be looking into the night sky.

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