Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Central New Yorkers Recount Their UFO Sightings - Video

New York City Blackout

     Nov 06, 2006 - From distant lights in the sky, to blinding light pouring through a woman's kitchen window, a growing number of Central New Yorkers are reporting what they believe to be unidentified flying objects. The sightings date back to at least 1965, when dozens of witnesses observed a giant, glowing object over Carrier Circle during the great northeast blackout. "I came alongside the Carrier Building, and the building was brightly lit-up -- bright enough to read a newspaper," said Beatrice George, 82, Cicero. "It may have looked like a fireball, but I didn't see it as a fireball. I saw it as a structured object." Steve Flamisch talks to George, and other witnesses, in this CBS 5 News Special Report.

More . . .

See Also: Many Scientist Sure 'Flying Saucers' Exist


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