Tel Aviv sighting: UFO or plane?
By Liron Milstein
A strange object was spotted in the Tel Aviv skies Thursday afternoon by three flat mates standing on their terrace. The three told ynet they suddenly saw a flash of light cross the sky as they were standing on their terrace located on Rothschild Boulevard.By Liron Milstein
"We suddenly saw a strip of bright light flying downwards," said Lior one of the three flat mates. "There was a sense of something supernatural happening, I have never seen such a thing," she added.
The three testified that the unidentified object didn’t make a sound and it remained in the sky for about 15 minutes, they said it was orange at first and then it turned white.
Meir, one of the three flat mates, didn’t want to miss the opportunity of documenting the unidentified object crossing the sky and quickly grabbed his camera capturing the picture you see here. "This thing fell downwards and before landing it made a right turn and disappeared from view," he told ynet.
So have aliens from outer space arrived in Tel Aviv? Experts are very skeptical. Chairman of the Israeli Astronomical Association and the director of the observatory in Givataim Yigal Pat-El said he was convinced it was an aircraft.
"If they saw it at five o'clock in the afternoon it is very likely that it was an aircraft emitting white smoke, in the picture it even looks like it has two engines, and you can see that it is flying towards the horizon and not downwards," said Pat-El.
Pat-El added that the reddish tint was created by the angle of the sun's rays, just as it paints clouds red at sunset. He explained that when the sun sets, its rays pass through and color the clouds red, and this is what he believes happened
Surprisingly, despite the scary feeling Lior tends to agree with the expert. "It was my assumption as well," she said. "I also thought the orange tint came from the sunset."
Police say they received no reports of irregular aerial activity in the area.
More . . .
See Also: Physicists Create Great Balls of Fire
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