Did aliens visit Balham and Tooting?
By Adrian Kajumba
here were some strange and spooky goings on in the skies last week, prompting one observer to eerily predict "I think there is something out there."By Adrian Kajumba
Stunned witnesses described how gobsmacked crowds were drawn out onto the streets to watch two sets of unidentified shining bright orange lights fly perfectly in formation through the skies above Balham and Tooting.
The UFO's, which lit up the skies for a short while before shooting up and disappearing into the distance just before midnight last Friday, also had people standing in their gardens trying to capture the action on film and mobile phones.
And the unexplained phenomenon that left Balham and Tooting's Mulder's and Scully's stumped also had the Ministry Of Defence (MOD) scratching their heads.
Baffled Newham College Site manager Peter Dacey, 48, saw the lights when he was going to visit a friends house in Balham.
He said he saw four lights coming towards him at a steady speed before they went up into the sky and disappeared. Another four followed after that.
He said: "They were making no noise at all even though they were not far off. There was an aeroplane further off that we could hear. There was no way they were fireworks. If they were a helicopter or a plane we would have heard something. I just can't work it out. It was unbelievable."
Peter's equally baffled girlfriend Noriko Shimada, 46, a fashion designer from Balham, who was with him at the time said: "There was no sound and it was just the lights so I thought it was very weird. I have no idea what it could be."
Antonio Petrosino, manager of Double Espresso, Balham High Road, also saw the lights after leaving work and was joined by staff from another restaurant staring into the skies in amazement. He said: "Who knows what they were. It could be anything. You could name it as a UFO but you just can't say. I believe there is something out there. Definitely."
An MOD spokeswoman said: "We are not aware of what these lights could be."
Sightings of UFO's and extra-terrestrial activity in the skies are not alien' to Wandsworth and south west London.
In March earlier this year The Wandsworth Borough News reported how two work pals spotted an unidentified flying silver triangle in Putney while they sat at their office desks.
While in February another reader contacted the paper after seeing "strange lights" in the sky.
And according to information released by the MOD under the Freedom of Information act earlier this year, reported UFO sightings have been recorded three times in Wimbledon in 2002 and twice more in Southfields.
More . . .
See Also: MoD Opens Borough X-Files
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