Tom Petty has revealed the farcical chain of events that led him to crash into another car outside Adam Sandler's wedding.8-21-06
The U.S. rocker says he'll think twice about driving again after being distracted by weather balloons erected by Sandler's management to stop paparazzi flyovers. After mistaking them for UFO's, Petty drove home to alert his family to the mysterious silver objects.
"The last two times I drove I had accidents. It just came down as a rule that I am not allowed behind the wheel. I like to drive, but after that last time, I knew I had scared my wife.
"As I was coming back (from the store) I saw three enormous silver balls floating in the sky... People were pulled over to the side of the road pointing. I ran in the house and yelled to Dana and her friend, 'Get in the car, you have got to come see this...' I had them convinced that they (balloons) were UFOs.
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See Also: "Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs"
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