Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"NASA is Covering Up UFO Evidence"

Flying Saucer Approaching Mir
By Aaron Rispo
Coast To Coast

     . . . From what I gather, George’s job was to oversee the camera equipment and recover the photography from various space missions. It was his duty to sort the photography into categorical stacks back at his office. Many of these stacks were classified with "UFO" labels. Routinely, George would be ordered to pack up these "UFO" photos and make the trip from Florida to Washington DC to meet with his DOD contact at the Pentagon. The UFO photos were handed over to the Pentagon official…never to be seen by the public. (One of George’s children interned as a secretary in George’s office, and can confirm all these facts as a witness. Besides the immediate family leaks, George kept everything tight-lipped and sealed. He never officially disclosed anything or went public as a whistleblower.) . . .

More . . .

See Also: NASA Offers Explanation
For Recent UFO Flap


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