Monday, July 24, 2006

UFO Photographed Over Miraflores de Heredia, Costa Rica

UFO Over Miraflores de Heredia (A)
By Ana Luisa Cid and Richard Sandi

     Photographs taken by Richard Sandi at Miraflores de Heredia, Costa Rica, on July 20, 2006.

The eyewitness states: "I was in my car waiting for my wife when I suddenly decided to get out of the car and shoot a few photos of the sunrise, as the time was nearly 5:30 a.m. In the distance I saw two lights that appeared to descend from the sky. I saw them for a few minutes by managed to take two snapshots."

UFO Over Miraflores de Heredia (B)
"They were quite far so I used the zoom function on my Canon Powershot A-610"

* Source: Ana Luisa Cid and Richard Sandi

* Translation (c) 2006. S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Ana Luisa Cid, Mexico

More . . .

See Also: UFO Photographed Over San Jose, Costa Rica - Stirs Fear in Some Observers


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