Friday, July 07, 2006

ARGENTINA: UFOs Photographed over Mt. Uritorco

UFOs over Mt. Uritorco (A) Resampled

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     An interesting image taken by Ana Wolfenson and David Magram from Capilla del Monte, Argentina, showing an object resempling a "tube of light" as described by the witnesses themselves.

"This was something that took place some 5 years ago, I remember it well...we took the photo from the backyard with a little plastic camera, one of those Creative for PC ones. We were taking some cloud photos, as we are tireless sky watchers. When we downloaded the images to the computer, we saw that tube of light with the shape of an M or a W. I think that there are many things around us and interacting with us at all times, even when we can't see it..."

UFOs over Mt. Uritorco (B)
Ana is the mother of young David, 19, and both have engaged in fine research activity through their website, in the majestic Argentinean summit can be seen (through a webcam) where other interesting images of chance UFOs have been picked up.

Mount Uritorco is acknowledged as a site of unexplained phenomena ranging from lights seen at its summit to possible UFO landings, as well as metaphysical theories involving dimensional doorways and hidden underground cities, with a similarity to the stories woven around Cerro Tepozteco in Mexico.

UFOs over Mt. Uritorco (C)
* Translation (c) 2006. S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Ana Luisa Cid and to Ana Wolfenson and David Magram of

More . . .

See Also: Argentina: Police Respond To UFO Sighting - Summon The Air Force Command


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