Denver, CO, USA, July 4, 2006 -- The 2006 Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) International Symposium will be held in Denver at the Marriott Denver Tech Center from July 14 -- 16th. The symposium is an annual gathering of some of the top speakers in their fields presenting evidence concerning UFO crashes and retrievals, government denials, physical evidence of UFOs and international UFO encounters.7-4-06
The upcoming three-day symposium will feature a dozen speakers including: Jesse Marcel Jr. -- Roswell: It Really Happened, Linda Moulton Howe -- UFO Crash Retrievals and Government Policy of Denial, Ted Phillips -- Physical Trace Evidence for UFOs, Ronald Regehr -- The Iranian UFO Encounter, and Brian Boldman -- Evidence of UFO Technology.
Other presentations will include: Physical Influences of UFOs on Water, The Law and UFO Sightings, Mexican UFO Sightings and a study of Triangular UFOs.
MUFON continues to provide the best evidence for Unconventional Flying Objects. Decide for yourself. Are we really the only intelligent life in our universe?
MUFON is a Denver-based international non-profit organization whose mission is the systematic collection and analysis of UFO data with the ultimate goal of learning the origin and nature of the UFO phenomenon.
More . . .
See Also: MUFON Discusses Time Travel, Aliens, Government Coverups
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